Folkestad, J., Rehrey, G., Shepard, L., Groth, D., & Hickey, M. (2019). Developing a learning analytics community for ethical discourse. Companion Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Learning Analytics & Knowledge. 9th International Learning and Analytics Conference, Tempe, Arizona.
Citation: Potter, J., Shepard, L., Rehrey, G., (2021). How the Use of Learning Analytics Bolsters Faculty-Led Assessment Work. Assessment Update, 33(6), 10–11.
Article Available Here
In this chapter we discuss how faculty engagement with Learning Analytics (LA) is critical to its appropriate use within departments and academic programmes. We outline the data infrastructure, staffing requirements, and administrative support necessary to implement a faculty oriented LA program and share some early results.
Shepard, L., Rehrey, G., & Groth, D. (2021). Faculty engagement with learning analytics: Advancing a student success culture in higher education. In M. Shah, S. Kift, & L. Thomas (Eds.), Student retention and success in higher education: Institutional change for the 21st century. Palgrave Macmillan.
Book Chapter Available Here
Faculty adoption of learning analytics is critical to advancing a data-informed culture in higher education. In this multiple-case study we discuss the efforts of our Learning Analytics Research Collaborative within the Cycle of Progress for Sustainable Change Framework, and its relationship to five Complex Adaptive System principles.
Rehrey, G., Molinaro, M., Groth, D., Shepard, L., Bennett, C., Code, W., Reynolds, A., Squires, V., & Ward, D. (2020). Supporting faculty adoption of learning analytics within the complex world of higher education. In D. Gibson & D. Ifenthaler (Eds.), Adoption of data analytics in higher education learning and teaching (pp. 221–238).
Book Chapter Available Here
Indiana University’s Student Learning Analytics Fellows program (Fellows) is a community of scholars using big data to investigate and better understand student learning and success during the college years. The program is our early effort to integrate the scholarship of teaching and learning (SoTL) across our institution, encourage collaborations between offices and programs that might not normally work together, and further our collective understanding of the burgeoning field of big data, learning analytics (LA), and predictive models of student success.
Rehrey, G., Groth, D., Hostetter, C., & Shepard, L. (2019). The Scholarship of Teaching, Learning, and Student Success: In J. Friberg & K. McKinney (Eds.), Applying the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning beyond the Individual Classroom (pp. 182–200). Indiana University Press; JSTOR.
Book Chapter Available Here